Unlimited English
Daily English 1210 - Small Town Charm
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Slow Speed begins at: 1:37
Explanation begins at: 4:00
Normal Speed begins at: 17:49
Alisha: Hey, you’re back from your vacation. Where did you go? New York City? Miami?
Ramon: I decided to spend my vacation in Maddieville.
Alisha: Where is Maddieville? I’ve never heard of it.
Ramon: It’s a small town about a six-hour drive from here. I read about it being a throwback to the days of small shops and friendly neighbors, with a charming old-fashioned main street. It was really nice.
Alisha: I’m not sure I’d want to travel back in time. It doesn’t sound very exciting.
Ramon: It wasn’t as lively as some places I could have gone, but I enjoyed the quaint shops, the unpretentious people, and the genuinefriendliness.
Alisha: What did you do for an entire week?
Ramon: I perused the shops, ate at the family- owned restaurants, and learned about the quirky history of the town by shooting the breezewith the old- timers at the local bar.
Alisha: To each his own, but that sounds like dullsville to me.
Ramon: Then I guess you wouldn’t want to go back with me this summer for their wine festival.
Alisha: Did you say wine? Maybe I shouldn’t dismiss small town charm quite so quickly.
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