Unlimited English
Daily English 1225 - Being a Good Samaritan
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Slow Speed begins at: 1:39
Explanation begins at: 3:21
Normal Speed begins at: 14:57
Ana Maria: Did you see this news article about the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a stranger and died?
Gio: That’s his own fault. Who told him to meddle in other people’s business?
Ana Maria: He wasn’t meddling. He saw that a fellow human being was in distress and was selfless enough to try to help.
Gio: Doing a good deed, was he? Going out on a limb to help someone in need, eh?
Ana Maria: Exactly. I call him a hero.
Gio: I call him a fool. You don’t put yourself in danger to help a stranger. That’s just common sense.
Ana Maria: So you would have just walked right by and done nothing to help.
Gio: If it meant putting myself in jeopardy. You should always look out for yourself, no matter what the situation.
Ana Maria: Great, remind me never to get into a lifeboat with you!
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