Unlimited English


Daily English 147 - Reading and Watching the News

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Slow Speed begins at: 0:48
Explanation begins at: 2:40
Normal Speed begins at: 13:49

I'm a news junkie. I like to read two newspapers everyday. I don't just look at the headlines. I read most of the stories. I like the political news, the business news, the editorials, and the entertainment news. The only things I don't usually read are the sports pages and the classifieds.

I also try to catch the local TV news each day. I like to watch Channel 4 for the news reporting, but I like the weather report on Channel 9 mainly because the reporter is not only good, she's beautiful! For the national news, I like all three of the network anchors, so it doesn't matter which one I catch.

On top of that, I like to read a newsmagazine each week. I like the longer feature stories that give more in-depth coverage of that week's top stories.

So, when I said I was a news junkie, I wasn't joking. When I travel to other countries, the first thing I do is look for an English-language newspaper. Then, I can relax!

Category: Entertainment + Sports