Unlimited English


Daily English 619 - Packing Clothes for a Trip

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Slow Speed begins at: 1:49
Explanation begins at: 3:17
Normal Speed begins at: 17:43

Nick: Aren’t you done packing yet? We need to leave for the airport in 15 minutes.

Mariah: I’m almost done. I just need to finish packing my garment bag.

Nick: You’re bringing a garment bag? What for?

Mariah: For my dresses, of course. I don’t want them to get wrinkles in them. I have a bag for shoes, belts, handbags, and other accessories; two suitcases for clothes, swimsuits, underwear, and socks; and a carry-on for my makeup and toiletries.

Nick: What do you need all that for?!

Mariah: I’m preparing for all contingencies. You never know what situation you’ll be in when you travel, and I want to be equipped with anything I’ll need.

Nick: I should have expected this when I married a clothes horse. I’m surprised you didn’t bring your entire wardrobe.

Mariah: I was thinking about it. I’m sure I can make room. All of my bags are expandable.

Category: Clothing + Grooming | Travel