Unlimited English
Daily English 955 - Dating a Possessive Person
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Slow Speed begins at: 1:25
Explanation begins at: 3:34
Normal Speed begins at: 18:08
Eliana: You’re here! I didn’t think you’d be able to come.
Matt: Why? I like seeing a movie with my friends as much as the next guy.
Eliana: Yeah, but it’s been weeks since we’ve seen you, ever since you started dating Helen.
Matt: She doesn’t own me. She’s a little possessive, but I put my foot down when she gets too clingy.
Eliana: Doesn’t she get jealous if you so much as look at another woman?
Matt: She’s the jealous type, that’s true, but I reassure her all the time that she’s the only one I want. It’s true that she’s critical of other women, too, but what woman isn’t? She’s fine if she knows where I am and whom I’m with.
Eliana: You mean you have to report in to her on your whereabouts?
Matt: She likes to know what I’m doing. She’s just concerned about me, that’s all.
Eliana: She seems really controlling.
Matt: What did you say?
Eliana: Nothing. I see Xavier and Sophie over there. Ready to get our tickets?
Matt: Hold on one second. I just need to text Helen an update. If she doesn’t hear from me every half hour, she worries. Isn’t that sweet?
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