Unlimited English
Daily English 1000 - Reaching a Milestone
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Slow Speed begins at: 2:29
Explanation begins at: 3:54
Normal Speed begins at: 20:02
Jeff: Well, we’ve reached a milestone.
Lucy: Yup, it’s been a long haul, but we’ve finally made it. Did you ever think we’d get here?
Jeff: I admit I had my doubts. At the beginning, I was really dubious that this venture would pan out. I thought that our prospects were iffy, at best.
Lucy: Me, too. We didn’t have an auspicious start, but we had a turning point after a few months of grinding out the work, day in and day out.
Jeff: So, what should we do now?
Lucy: I think we both deserve a celebratory drink, a toast to our achievements...so far.
Jeff: That sounds good. Then what?
Lucy: Put our noses back to the grindstone?
Jeff: I was afraid you were going to say that!
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