Unlimited English


Daily English 616 - Having a Business Mentor

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Slow Speed begins at: 1:16
Explanation begins at: 3:15
Normal Speed begins at: 19:00

Alex: Where are you going?

Kenya: I’m going to meet my business mentor.

Alex: Your business mentor? What do you do with a business mentor?

Kenya: Well, my mentor is like an advisor. We meet regularly and I get her feedback and guidance with my ideas on starting a business.

Alex: Oh, so you’re her protégé?

Kenya: No, I’m not. I simply go to her with my ideas and she helps me hash them out. She’s a successful entrepreneur and I’m there to learn from her experience.

Alex: How did you get her to be your mentor? Were you already friends?

Kenya: No, I contacted her out of the blue, actually. I’ve read about her company and her many successes, and I wrote her a letter telling her about me and what I hope to accomplish. She agreed to meet with me, and at that first meeting, we really clicked and now we meet once a month.

Alex: That’s very generous of her. What does she get out of it?

Kenya: I’m not sure, but I think she enjoys giving me pointers and sharing her expertise. I’m very appreciative and she says I remind her a lot of herself when she was my age. I take that as a huge compliment.

Alex: You should. If you’re like her, you’ll be a multi-millionaire in no time flat.

Category: Business