Unlimited English


Daily English 644 - Giving a Successful Presentation

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Slow Speed begins at: 1:06
Explanation begins at: 2:35
Normal Speed begins at: 14:14

Event organizer: Do you hear that? It’s a packed house and your presentation was a hit. People are clamoring for more.

Herman: I can’t believe it. I wasn’t expecting that kind of reception. The audience really seemed to like it.

Event organizer: Like it? They were on the edge of their seats.

Herman: The presentation actually started slowly, but it seemed to gain traction in the middle.

Event organizer: You had the audience hooked from the start. You could have heard a pin drop in there when you were going over your main points. Your presentation is undoubtedly the highlight of the conference.

Herman: Thanks. I’m still in shock. Maybe if I tweaked it a little, I could give this presentation at the national conference.

Event organizer: You’ll have time later to think about that. Right now, you need to get out there for the Q&A. They’re waiting for you.

Herman: But I don’t have anything else to say.

Event organizer: Just get out there. Your adoring public is waiting for you!

Category: Business