Unlimited English


Daily English 896 - Preparing a Speech

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Slow Speed begins at: 1:11
Explanation begins at: 3:10
Normal Speed begins at: 14:56

Lourdes: I need help.

Valery: Sure, what’s up?

Lourdes: I’m supposed to give a speech at the start of the conference next month and I don’t know what to do.

Valery: It’s not that hard to plan out a speech. You start with an attention getter using humor or telling a personal story.

Lourdes: Okay, I guess I can do that.

Valery: After that, in your introduction, you should tell the audience what your speech is about in a thesis statement. Along the way, you should establish your credibility by mentioning why you’re qualified to talk about this topic.

Lourdes: All right.

Valery: Then, in the body of your speech, you want to state your main points, using supporting ideas, giving examples, and maybe using visuals.

Lourdes: Okay.

Valery: And finally, in the conclusion, you restate your main points and make some closing remarks. Simple, right?

Lourdes: Yeah, simple. One last question.

Valery: Shoot.

Lourdes: What are you doing the morning of June 20th, and how do you feel about standing in for a coworker who plans to be deathly ill?

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